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Understanding Types Of Child Custody

Child custody is a crucial part of family law that will establish the rights and responsibilities of the parents that will be raising their children, either after the parents divorce or separate. When it comes to child custody, there are several types and arrangements that can beput into place, depending on the case. In my blog I will discuss physical custody, legal custody, split custody, and bird’s nest custody. I want to provide a better understanding of each type, and the arrangements that are accommodated to always prioritize the child and what is best for them. Factors that will be taken into account could include: the child’s age, the relationship to the parent and if they are able to provide a stable environment, and the proximity to their school or any other support facilities that they may need or be involved in.

Physical custody is where the child will live on a day to day basis. The two main types of physical custody would be, sole physical custody, and joint physical custody. Sole physical custody is where the child will stay with a single parent for the majority of the time, and the other parent has visitation rights, or some type of scheduled time where they meet. The parent that they spend most of their time with will be in charge of handling any important decision in the child’s life. Joint physical custody will allow the child to spend equal amounts of time with both parents. A schedule should be put into place to ensure the child is spending the same amount of time with each parent, to make sure the child stays happy.

Legal custody is similar to physical custody in the sense that the parent will be in charge of everything that has to do with the child’s upbringing. This could be their schools, healthcare, religion, and any other activities the child may be a part of. Legal custody can also be split into two types, sole legal custody, and joint legal custody. Sole legal custody is where one parent has the right to make all the important decisions as stated above. The other parent can offer their advice on these matters, but ultimately it will still fall on the other parent that has this right over the child. Joint legal custody is where both parents will have the right to make these important decisions pertaining to the upbringing of the child. This will force the parents to have excellent communication skills with one another to stay on top of their responsibilities. 

Split custody is not a very common arrangement in child custody cases, but it will involve multiple children, and each parent will be given physical custody of at least one of the children. This arrangement is put in place to match the needs and relationship of the child to a specific parent. This can sometimes be difficult on the children involved, but sometimes it is necessary to have an arrangement like this in place. Finally, bird’s nest custody is where the child will remain in the current home they are in, but the parents will take turns living there with the child.This allows the child to remain in their same environment. The parents really have to step up in this arrangement, especially when it comes to communication, and their other living arrangements when they will be outside of the home.

So, when it comes to child custody arrangements there are several that will perfectly accommodate the family and their needs. Each case, and each family is so different, and that is why so many different arrangements were established. It is important for the parents to have several options to make sure their child is comfortable and stable in the arrangement. Understanding physical custody, legal custody, split custody, and bird’s nest custody will help parents make the best decision for their family. Speaking with a family law attorney will also bring them valuable knowledge and guidance throughout this process.

Thank you to the family lawyers at Brandy Austin Law Firm for the above blog.